grid = input plane of complex numbers (ℂ)
height of surface = real partcolor of surface - white = bigger Im(f(z)), black = smaller Im(f(z))
f(z) =
Select plot:
What exactly am I looking at? I still don't understand.There is a section of this video that nicely explains it
Supported operations: + - * / ^
+ - * / ^
Trigonometric: sin,cos,tan,csc,sec,cot
Inverse Trigonometric: asin,acos,atan,acsc,asec,acot
Hyperbolic Trigonometric: sinh,cosh,tanh,csch,sech,coth
Inverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric: asinh,acosh,atanh,acsch,asech,acoth
E: ln,exp(significantly faster than e^z)
Roots: sqrt,cbrt
Misc: conj,inv,Re,Im,mod (or norm),arg
Gamma: lngamma,gamma,digamma,trigamma
Zeta: zeta,zetac(accepts 2 inputs, second input is how precise it is)It is reccomended that you do something like zeta(3*z) (btw default zeta is at 25)
It takes the original height h and replaces it with ln(1+h)
for negative h it uses -ln(1-h) instead